Zerbu's Realm

The Sims 3 mods available for download on this blog are no longer being updated. They are still available for download, but be forewarned that there will not be any new versions of them.

For The Sims 4 mods, go to http://zerbu.tumblr.com/


Ultimate Careers (V3) Tutorial


For information on how to install the mod, see this tutorial: http://modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files

Enable The Mod

To enable the mod on a certain career...

  • Click the City Hall
  • Select "Zerbu"
  • Select "Ultimate Careers"
  • Select "Enable/Disable"
  • Choose the career you want to enable (or disable) the mod for.
To enable the mod on schools...
  • Click the City Hall
  • Select "Zerbu"
  • Select "Ultimate Careers"
  • Select "School Settings"
  • Select "Toggle Open Schools" to turn open schools on and off.
  • There's also an option to have summer off for open schools, which can be enabled and disabled the same way.
Creating and Setting Up The Workplace or School

  • Create a new workplace/school or place one from the lot bin. The lot can be of any type, but I strongly recommend choosing a lot type that's open 24 hours, as it may cause issues if the lot is closed during your work hours.
  • IMPORTANT: You will still need a rabbithole somewhere in the world to "power" the career or school, but you don't have to work inside it, nor does it have to be on the same lot.
By default, when a career/school is enabled, it will be assigned to the same lot as the rabbithole by default, however you can change it to any other lot in the world, to do so...
  • If you don't already have a Sim with the career, apply for it using the rabbithole (or use a cheat, or whatever).
  • Click the lot you want to assign as the workplace.
  • Select "Zerbu"
  • Select "Ultimate Careers
  • Select "Lot Assignment"
You will then be given multiple options, which I'll explain the differences between:

Link {Sim Name}'s Career Rabbithole to Lot: This will assign all Sims in any career "powered by" the same rabbithole as your active Sim to the lot. To reverse the process, just link the rabbithole back to the lot it's already on.

Assign {Sim Name}'s Career to Lot: This will assign all Sims in the active Sim's career to the lot. This only effects one career, not other careers that share the same rabbithole. This will effect ALL Sims in the career, even if there are multiple rabbitholes of the same type. To the reverse the process, click the lot again and click "Unassign {Sim Name}'s Career from Lot". This option is not available for the Education career.

Assign {Sim Name}'s School to Lot: This has the same function as "Link {Sim Name}'s Career Rabbithole to Lot", except it's for schools.

If you switch careers or households, the lot assignment settings will still remain. The only reason I don't have the option to immediately set career lots for inactive Sims is because it goes beyond my modding ability. If you want to assign lots for careers you're not currently playing, just use cheats to change careers then change back.

Changing the Career Type

You can change any career to act as any career you want. This feature is mainly for custom careers, all EA careers will default to the intended type.
  • Click the career rabbithole that "powers" the active Sim's career.
  • Select "Zerbu"
  • Select "Ultimate Careers"
  • Select "Set Career Type"
  • Select the type you want to change the career to.
Starting the Work/School Day
  • About two hours before the work/school day starts, the Sim will be assigned a fake "unpaid day off" and the UI will then show the time to the Sim's next work/school day.
  • An hour and a half before the work day, if the Sim is already at the career/school lot, they may start to gain performance from using work objects.
  • An hour before the work day, if the Sim is not already at the lot, they will be automatically pushed there.
Due to a technical limitation, the UI will not show the Sim as "Working", but will instead show the time until the next work day. From a technical standpoint, the game doesn't know that Sims are at work, only the mod does.

  • Using any object in the master object list for your career/school will increase performance - http://zerbu.blogspot.co.uk/p/ultimate-careers-v3.html
  • Metrics such as mood and skills have a much more noticeable effect in open careers. Normally, with the regular rabbithole system, the differences are subtle, but that's not the case with the mod - now there's actually a reason to work on them.
  • When not using a work object, performance will decrease.
  • Performance will continue to decrease for 20 sim-minutes after you stop using a work object before it starts to go down.
  • When not on the career/school lot during the hours, performance will decrease even faster.
  • For careers, performance will not decrease below 0 unless you're off the career lot. However, the same is not true for schools.
Ending the Work/School Day

When the work/school is over, Sims will automatically get paid for their work and co-workers will be pushed home. If performance is at the maximum value, your Sim will get promoted.

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